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  • Nepal pano2 : 720yun back to Bhadgaon</p><p class="tit">尼泊尔全景纪实2:720云重回巴德岗


In 2012, when I press downthe shutter, those great architectures and genial faces are held in thatmoment. Bhadgaon's diligence,vitality,and beauty seem never be changedduring those 800 years .


Time makes the stone in thearchitecture shining as gold, and makes the wooden windows in red bricks havingmagical glamour. Time also lets Bhadgaon turn to “the cultural capital of Nepal” and “the window of Nepali life in themiddle century”.


Golden Door has stayed withVastala Durga Temple for a long time. However, dear Vastala Durga Temple, youwent away suddenly, only leaved me here lonely. Do you remember? In the passedyears, we together saw how many people, and how many stories? Miss you, my bestfriend!

湿婆神庙 Shiva Temple,倾听过祈祷,赋予过希望。今天,消失了的不仅是建筑,还有心里神住的地方。

Shiva Temple, you alwayshear us pray, and give us hope. But today, you went away, and we lost ourlight.

是注定为你的特意留影么?2012年的镜头,围绕着你留下这么多的影像--瓦斯塔拉杜迦神庙 Vastala Durga Temple

Is it the fate? I took manypictures about you, my dear Vastala Durga Temple, in 2012.


The carves on wood stillhave the sound of being carved. Do you know whether the carves want to show tous God's story, or human's stories, or just theirselves stories? At thismoment, I still can not accept it could be a period.

法希得噶神庙 Fasidega Temple,影像记住了你的模样。

Fasidega Temple, I will record your face in mypanorama.


Who has gone with you, mydear peacock windows? Young face or white hairs?


The stones behind you havecollapsed, the sanctuaries under the sky have turn to  ruins ......Are you still there, thebeautiful shade in time river?

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